The US Campaign for Burma in Philadelphia

is comprised of a group of people who care about democracy, human rights and the well-being of people. Burma and it's people deserve to be "free" and we support this mission locally and internationally.

Please take a moment to read our web-site and check our events and announcements! We welcome your interest and support!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Volunteer Opportunity at Saturday ESL School with Burmese kids in South Philly!!

The US Campaign for Burma, Philadelphia Chapter has identified a need to teach English and tutor Burmese refugee children who have been relocated to South Philadelphia. Children vary in ages and some speak very little English, but all are very eager to learn. Some have been in the United States for only several months, so teaching should incorporate use of pictures & body language, as well as cultural education about food, holidays, geography, etc. It's a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in helping and making a difference in people's lives who are struggling to make a new in America.

Please be sure to view our site: ESL School: Refugee Education Partners!

Ideally, we are looking for volunteers who can commit 2-3 hrs on Saturday, at least once per month so that the children can develop a rapport with you. If you have time constraints and can only volunteer once, we are happy to have you too!

If you are unable to volunteer, but would still like to help, we appreciate donations of school supplies, books, educational materials, English Language learning games.

For more information and to sign-up, please contact Kim Leichtner via email at or by phone at 267-687-1740. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Planning Meeting in West Philly on Wednesday, 9/22/2010

Back-to-Burma-Fall-Action-Planning-Meeting in West Philly

Please Plan to Attend!
4235 Osage Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
for directions, call Veronika at 267.752.7254
Meeting begins at 6:30pm

Topics include:
  • helping Burmese refugee children in South Philadelphia
  • discuss upcoming scam election in Burma and ways to protest
  • documentary preview of "Burma VJ"
  • brainstorm and plan events
Please try to bring school supplies ranging from $1 to $5. These donations will be collected for the Burmese children in South Philly.