The US Campaign for Burma in Philadelphia

is comprised of a group of people who care about democracy, human rights and the well-being of people. Burma and it's people deserve to be "free" and we support this mission locally and internationally.

Please take a moment to read our web-site and check our events and announcements! We welcome your interest and support!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

USCB Philadelphia local chapter meets February 27, 2011

Join us this Sunday at 3:30 PM at Susan Zingale-Baird's home 3950 Vaux Street, Philadelphia, PA to generate ideas on how to raise awareness of Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma. Other agenda topics include:
  •  an update on the Saturday School in South Philadelphia, Kim Leichtner, coordinator will provide us with an update
  • US Campaign for Burma Annual meeting to take place at George Washington University in DC, April 2 & 3, 2011. There is some talk of of a USCB officer from the national chapter attending the meeting (no confirmation as of yet).
  • Current affairs in Burma update by our dear friend Arn Spector
Please spread the word and bring a friend. The work is not done until the cows go home (AKA the generals step aside and the people's voice is heard).

Call Susan 215-848-1382 for directions.

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